It is so weird to me how much you can love and care about someone when they have only been in your life for such a short time. I love this baby he brings so much happiness into our home. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted me enough to have him.
Height 27 3/4 90%
Weight 17 1/2 25%
Head 16.78 25%
Everyday William is learning new things and developing. He can now sit but can't get to the sitting position yet. He now hates anything but sitting but we still have tummy time. He can scoot himself a little but doesn't know he is doing it quite yet, just a matter of time I guess. He is also learning to hit things together and make noise. Just over the last little bit I have noticed that he knows who I am and when I leave the room he sometimes cries for a minute than starts doing something else and is fine.
Abby he is so DARLING! he is so cute, what a cute big boy i can't believe he is already 6 months old, wow time flies!
Oh how big he is getting! I can't believe how old he is.. It is truly amazing the bond you have with your children from the moment they are born.
He's getting so big, and so adorable! Love you guys!
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