Friday, September 23, 2011

Newborn Pictures

William Walter Porter
6lbs 7oz
20 1/2 inches

Baby William

The morning William was born I woke up at about four thirty in quite a bit of pain, I wasn't sure what it was I still had a month until he was due. I tried for about an hour to go to sleep but my efforts didn't work. I decided they might be contractions so i timed them. They where kind of consistent but not really and I had a doctors appointment that afternoon so I told myself i could wait. So i waited probably not the smartest idea I've ever had. Jonathan had an interview at the same time as my appointment so he didn't come with me. His interview was across town which is a lot farther then we both thought. I went to the doctors and waited, and waited, and waited, finally he came in to check me, He told me i was a NINE! I asked him if he was joking he said "this is one thing I don't Joke about" I started crying...Of course. I couldn't get a hold of Jonathan, because he was at an interview. I sent him a text and said " I need you I'm going to the hospital now". Meanwhile the doctor and the nurse begin to tell me i had to go to the hospital now, I didn't even know how to get there I had never been there. One of the nurses wrote me directions and gave me a hug, I left and drove myself to the hospital while in labor.
I got to the hospital and everything seemed a little bit better, Jonathan got there about thirty minutes after I did thankfully! The nurse asked me if i wanted any drugs, I told her if I was already a nine and was in pain all day I think I can do it without. I told her no. But I did wish I had some when they could no longer give me any ! But I survived! I went to the hospital at 2:40 pm and had William at 5:09. They had to use a vacuum to get his head out because his heart rate wasn't coming back up, poor little guy his head was/is a little pointy. But he was ok and that's all that mattered at that point. William had to stay in the NICU for a week. He was having trouble with his resting heart rate for a few days, then he was spiting up and losing too much weight, then it was jaundice, but after all of that he is doing great and he's home. I'm convinced they just wanted to keep him because he's so cute. It was a wonderful experience and I wouldn't change it for the world. The Doctor later told me in all his years being a OBGYN he had only had one other person come in at a nine and she was in some much pain she couldn't hardly walk. He told me I was super women. Ha ha if only. I am grateful for the newest member in our family, WILL!