Jonathan took me four wheeling and to Tim Mcgraw for my Birthday. It was the best birthday I've ever had! It was all a suprise too. Jonathan Kept it a secret for a month or so I couldn't get it out of him. If you know him he isn't very good at keeping secrets but he did it! He's the best!
So this is the story about how i met the love of my life Abigail! I am new at this blogging thing so you are going to have to cut me some slack if it sucks. Well the first time i met Abby was my Junior year in seminary class. We both had brother mueller and she sat right behind me(although she doesn't remember that at all). I remember abby being very cute and also laughing at my dumb jokes. But at the time i never asked her out or did anything about it (which i now regret a little.) Well time went on and we both went our different ways. I went on a mission to Japan, and Abby was going to school at Weber State and also going on fun adventures to Russia and other places. That brings us to this year 2008. I had recently returned from my mission to Japan and was just trying to get back to normal. I was coaxed by a couple of friends to attend an institute function with free food( i would later learn that abby was coaxed as well). Well the food was ok, but i mostly realized a beautiful girl that i hadn't seen in a few years sitting at the table next to me. Me being shy and a recently returned missionary it was a little hard for me to gather up the courage to go and talk to her. I got a little help from a buddy and i went over and started talking to her. We hit it off good, and i really enjoyed talking and getting to know abby. Well the rest is history. After a spring and a summer of getting to know abby i decided that i couldn't live with out her. I asked her to marry me on August 17,2008 and surprisingly she said yes! I am in love with her and am grateful for all that she does! She means so much to me! So that is our story in a nutshell. We will be getting married December 19,2008 and I can hardly wait. Especially now as we are apart as i am going to school down here in Provo and Abby is still up there at Weber... It's hard but it will definately be worth it in the long run!